Schlein and weapons with the Pnrr: he will present amendments for no and in the end he will vote yes

Schlein and weapons with the Pnrr: he will present amendments for no and in the end he will vote yes


The secretary grappling with the vote in Europe of her group which is in any case destined to split, but to follow the indications of the Commission. And in the meantime, the leader appears on Instagram: “Make yourself comfortable, we are only at the beginning”

“It’s not acceptable to us,” he says. And that’s why he won’t object. A contradiction? Certain. But still better than hitting a wall. In short, in order not to end up in the minority in Brussels, he had to disappoint his majority in Rome. The paradox of Elly Schlein, the enigma in which the new course of the Democratic Party remains entangled, lies right here: in being forced to exercise realism and therefore to betray, or at least to water down, the iconoclastic momentum that saw her triumph at the gazebos.

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