Scajola tries again in Imperia: “The support of the Democratic Party? Open to all but without acronyms”

Scajola tries again in Imperia: "The support of the Democratic Party? Open to all but without acronyms"


It will be the Alps that can be seen from the sea, but Claudius Scajola has a certain propensity for ascents. Even at 75. The man who built the Forza Italia party, abandoning his movementist origins and winning the policies of 2001, has been minister four times and is now trying to be mayor of his city, Imperia, for the fourth time. Like all mountaineers Scajola demonstrates a certain courage: the man who structured Silvio Berlusconi’s party will try to become first citizen of Imperia without the support of the parties. Which he already achieved five years ago, when he was elected for the third time. Alone against all. Better still, without having among the civic lists that will support him the initials of one of the parties that make up the parliamentary arc, not even the one he built and “that five years ago presented himself against me, with another candidate”.

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