Scajola beats (also in the polls of Imperia) the policeman who wanted to convict him

Scajola beats (also in the polls of Imperia) the policeman who wanted to convict him


In the Ligurian city, the former minister is confirmed as mayor by exceeding 60 percent. A plebiscite against deputy commissioner Ivan Bricco, of the centre-left. who investigated his political opponent on at least 5 occasions, who always came out unscathed. The attempt to bring justicialism from the court to the polling booths: it didn’t work

Apology of handcuffs. It’s not a crime, it’s just an allegorical tale, with a distinctly pedagogical purpose. It is the one staged in Imperia, from mid-March to May 15th. The story is this: there are elections to elect the new mayor or to confirm what already existed. And to challenge the 75-year-old Claudius Scajolathe centre-left decides to focus on the policeman who has been investigating him for over a decade, Ivan Bracco, Deputy Commissioner. A good policeman, who knows how to do his job, knows that every man has a vice and will bring it down. But in the end the challenger falls, the good policeman, because the last municipal elections in Imperia have turned into a plebiscite, far from the jingle of handcuffs.

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