Sangiuliano: “On Sgarbi’s evening at Maxxi I immediately distanced myself. I await explanations from Giuli”

Sangiuliano: “On Sgarbi's evening at Maxxi I immediately distanced myself.  I await explanations from Giuli”


“I asked the president of Maxxi, Alessandro Giuli a detailed explanation of what happened and I hope it will reach me soon”. The words of Gennaro Sangiuliano pronounced during the question time in the House on the controversy related to the evening of Victor Rude and the singer morgan at the Maxxi Foundation. An event marked by controversy over the vulgar and sexist words of the Undersecretary of Culture, a foul language that aroused the indignation of the Museum’s employees, who wrote to President Giuli.

But the Minister of Culture Sangiuliano also heavily criticized what happened in Montecitorio, who was keen to remind us that he had “clearly distanced himself” from what Sgarbi said. And he added: that it was “an inadmissible foul language, especially in a place of culture. Respect for women is a constant in my life”. Then the jab: “The freedom of expression of thought – concluded Sangiuliano – I think must find a limit in respect for people”.

But from the opposition comes a shower of criticism. “With your firm words of condemnation, you have marked the end of any relationship of trust with the undersecretary Vittorio Sgarbi and also with the director of Maxxi Alessandro Giuli and at this point consequent facts and behavior should follow. I ask you this question: can an Undersecretary of Culture talk like that without anything happening? Can he do it without someone reminding him that he represents the institutions of a country where the theme of violence, gender stereotypes and prejudices is a national problem, so strong as to make any action to unhinge it complex?”, he attacks Irene Manzileader of the Democratic Party in the Culture Committee in the Chamber.

And from the Left Green Alliance Laura Zanella And Elisabetta Piccolotti they add: “Many statements from Sangiuliano but few facts: do you want to be remembered as a misogynistic culture minister? We note that Undersecretary Sgarbi remains in his post after the sexist and vulgar utterances at Maxxi. And when the Equal Opportunities manager of the Ministry, Celeste Constantine, she asked for concrete actions she was told by the minister that she had no time for these matters: Constantine’s resignation from his post followed. We wonder if Sangiuliano really intends to continue along this path”.


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