Salvini’s offensive on the Pnrr, Meloni and Fitto blurt out: “This way we get hurt”

Salvini's offensive on the Pnrr, Meloni and Fitto blurt out: "This way we get hurt"


The prime minister grapples with the ally’s leap forward and with the possible repercussions in Europe on the line to be taken on EU funds. The government will report to Parliament, as requested by the opposition

But what sabotage by Salvini on the Pnrr? I don’t think the League wants to commit suicide”. Francesco Lollobrigida, minister of the royal house as well as Giorgia Meloni’s prosthesis, eats an Italian savory sandwich (don’t call it a sandwich) in the buvette, or rather at the bar, of the Chamber in the early morning. And yet, minister, the League with the group leader Riccardo Molinari has opened a crack: he says it is better not to borrow money from the Pnrr if you cannot spend it. “He’s right. This morning it was explained better. He said that we will renegotiate the projects and use all the resources, which must not be wasted ”. Lollobrigida gets excited with the journalists. And he hides an irritation that is real in the prime minister’s parts. For the communicative dynamics and above all for the reactions from Brussels: ah, les italiens!

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