Salvini ignores and does not respond to Fedez: “I have not seen Sanremo, I deal with more important things”. But take a picture at the ministry with Bignami

Salvini ignores and does not respond to Fedez: "I have not seen Sanremo, I deal with more important things".  But take a picture at the ministry with Bignami


“Yesterday I didn’t see Sanremo,” he says Matthew Salvini in Morning Five. He bites his tongue, doesn’t repeat the controversy at the Festival, after Wednesday’s attack. He had criticized the choice to invite Roberto Benigni to talk about the Constitution and the presence of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarellahe had also rapped Paula Egonu, who will be alongside Amadeus tonight. After Fedez’s attack on the right yesterday, however, the leader of the Lega glissa. “I have more important things to take care of”, the only words on the rapper. And he doesn’t even comment on the words against Galeazzo Bignami, FdI’s Deputy Minister of Infrastructure, and the singer’s blatant move to tear up his photo in a Nazi uniform. But he sends a signal: the photo of a meeting at the Ministry of Infrastructure, Bignami is also sitting at the table next to Salvini.

“If he goes to San Remo Rosa Chemical the dispute breaks out / perhaps the deputy minister dressed as Hitler is better”, Fedez rapped, around midnight on Wednesday, relieving Rai of all responsibility for his words. “Yesterday I did not see Sanremo”, skips Salvini in an interview with Mattino Cinque. “With the problems that the Italians have and with the commitment I have as a minister, I don’t have the time or desire to make polemics. I respect everyone’s work but seeing a guy who gets on stage and breaks the flowers – he adds with reference to Blanco’s gesture – I was sorry. I fear that the real problems, at least the ones I deal with, are others”. Shortly afterwards, his press office sent the news of a meeting at the Ministry of Infrastructure, on the subject of the A14 motorway. Photos follow: next to Salvini from a side the presidents of Marche and Abruzzo, Francis Acquaroli And Marcus Marsiliuson the other the deputy ministers of the League, Edward Rixiand of FdI, Galeazzo Bignami. An implicit response to Fedez.

The battle of FdI for the sinkhole theme in Sanremo

Brothers of Italy, with the group leader Thomas Fotimeanwhile, raises a theme dear to the right: Sanremo, he asks, pays tribute to the victims of the sinkholes.

“Tomorrow the Sanremo Festival has the opportunity to pay homage to those Italians who, for so many years, have experienced the tragedy of being exiled in their homeland. Remembrance Day, which occurs on February 10th, was in fact established to preserve and renew the memory of the tragedy of the Italians and of all the victims of the sinkholes, of the exodus from their lands of Istrians, Fiume and Dalmatians after the Second World War and of the more complex story of the eastern border”, says Foti. “Sergio Endrigo, late artist protagonist for years on the Ariston stage, personally experienced this tragedy and told us the drama of leaving his homeland in the famous song “1947”. It would be really nice to have it listened to by all Italians tomorrow in prime time, eighty years after the beginning of the ethnic cleansing by the partisans”.


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