Salvini awaits the maneuver to raise the flags, for the faithful government and contracts

Salvini awaits the maneuver to raise the flags, for the faithful government and contracts


He says that the government’s priority is bills, he dreams of the Bridge over the Strait and makes the League his citadel. For the excluded faithful, the leader of the Northern League invents the “salvation” income. Group hires

If you intercom it changes the light bulbs as well. He puts them on the led. At this moment Matteo Salvini is minister-electrician. There is an extra revenue of over ten billion (Giancarlo Giorgetti, known as Giangiacomo, like Leopardi, warns: “Slowly, slowly, uhmuhm”) and Salvini says: “The League’s priority is bills. After there will be the stop at Fornero, quota 41 and flat tax “. Good boy. A Northern League player who knows him well: “And what should he say? Salvini’s testing ground is the maneuver. Do you remember D’Annunzio, the republic of Carnaro? The League is our River ”. With the complicity of Giorgia Meloni, the vate secretary obtained two deputy ministers and nine undersecretaries. They are his Guido Keller, the aviators. In chorus they shout: “Long live the government, alala! To whom the government? To us!”.

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