Salvini attacks Schlein on surrogacy: “It makes your skin crawl”

Salvini attacks Schlein on surrogacy: "It makes your skin crawl"


A few days after the opening of the polls, the center-right attacks the Democratic Party on the issue of surrogacy. Speaking from the stage in Ancona in support of the centre-right mayoral candidate at the city administrations on 14 and 15 May, Daniel Silvetti, Matthew Salvini play the surrogate uterus card. “It baffled me, made my skin crawl and shiver to hear the favorable words of the secretary of the Democratic Party to a barbaric and medieval practice such as the rented uterus. The woman is not a rented uterus, the woman’s body is not a commodity”, said the Northern League.

“Everyone – he continued in his speech at the rally in which they also took part Giorgia Meloni And Antonio Tajani – she lives her private life as she wants, however the rented uterus translated means: ‘woman in economic difficulty who sells her body to someone who has a rich bank account, carries a creature in her womb for 9 months that she will not see grow because someone buys it. It’s barbarism, how can you talk about civil rights and say you’re in favor of surrogate wombs and free drugs?”

Salvini then spoke of Prime Minister Meloni’s meeting tomorrow with the opposition on constitutional reforms. “Tomorrow we will listen, as long as there is the desire to dialogue and there are no prejudicials, because in this month there is some opposition that says no to everything. The best – argues the Northern League – would be if we all put our hand to the Constitution together. But if someone instead continues to say no to any proposal, in the end it will be the Italians who will put the stamp on it and authorize it”.


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