Sala, Zaia and the Pnrr funds. The transversal front and the constraint of “40 per cent in the south”

Sala, Zaia and the Pnrr funds.  The transversal front and the constraint of "40 per cent in the south"


Two voices, one from the centre-left and one from the centre-right, for the same type of request: the government gives resources to those who know how to invest. But the issues posed by the mayor of Milan and the president of the Veneto collide with a pillar of the Draghian era: “territorialization”

Rome. Two voices, one from the centre-left and one from the centre-right, for the same type of report: there is the mayor of Milan Beppe Sala who, faced with the European funds suspended along the road to the difficult grounding of the Pnrr, says:The government gives them to those who know how to invest (“Pnrr funds go to those who know how to use them, Milan is ready”, Sala told the European Parliament a few days ago). But also the Northern League governor of Veneto Luca Zaia proposes to send the money that other regions are unable to spend to those that have shown good management skills.

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