Safe harbors in the city of the left, the opposition arises: “Disconcerting, Piantedosi clarify”

Safe harbors in the city of the left, the opposition arises: "Disconcerting, Piantedosi clarify"


Opposition to the attack on the government’s move to disembark migrants rescued by NGOs in the ports of the cities administered by the centre-left. From the Pd, passing from the Third pole, up to the Italian Left, the strategy set up by the Minister of the Interior is criticized Matteo Piantedosi. Stefano Bonaccini, governor of Emilia Romagna and candidate for the secretariat of the Democratic Party, demands “clarity” from the executive: “The project for the coming months may be explained to us at the Conference of the Regions”. While for the deputy dem Philip Sensi “The government’s choice to send ships to cities led by the Democratic Party is taken from the script of the worst American right”.

“It is a rather curious government because it is sending ships with migrants to ports far away from where they could dock and disembark people arriving from places of desperation and is sending them to ports of Municipalities all governed by the center-left”, insists Bonaccini . We – he adds – host everyone as we did in Ravenna in my region, as they will in Ancona and as is usually done in these parts. But it is clear that we want to understand what game is being played because after having said ‘ports closed and Italians first’, today they find themselves descending on real land and knowing that these people must be disembarked so as not to let anyone die at sea”.

Second Benedict DellaVedova, secretary of +Europe, Piantedosi should “clarify as soon as possible”, because “if it were true that the government and the minister of the Interior have chosen the ports on the basis of the color of the administrations, it would be an enormous institutional disloyalty, as well as inhumane”, says interviewed on La7. The deputy of the Pd Rachel Scarpa speaks of an “incommentable and baffling” attitude. The executive – says the exponent of the dem – makes “life impossible for those who save human lives at sea (thus making it tragically more likely that men, women and children will drown by drowning) and at the same time, in a slimy and sly way, directs the ships and migrants only in cities governed by the centre-left”.

Speaking to Sky, Isabella Paita, group leader of the Third Pole Senate, argues that the “strategy followed on NGOs is not adequate: it creates tensions without going to solve the problem. Italy plays an important and delicate role in the Mediterranean, it cannot be left alone but it is not breaking relations with European allies that solve problems”. According to the exponent of Italia Viva “the government is not addressing the central issues of the migration issue. The Dublin treaty, which needs to be changed, and deep cooperation with European countries”. It also intervenes Nicola Fratoiannisecretary of the Italian Left: “I imagine that if it were possible, Piantedosi, Meloni and Salvini would assign Bolzano or Tarvisio, or any other place as far away as possible as a landing place for NGO ships that rescue shipwrecked people in the Central Mediterranean, in order to slow down the ‘humanitarian rescue action’.


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