Russia was a terrorist? M5s abstains and part of the Democratic Party votes against the EU resolution

Russia was a terrorist?  M5s abstains and part of the Democratic Party votes against the EU resolution


“We condemn the Russian invasion, but now is the time to talk about peace”, say the grillini in the European Parliament. The lunge of the Third Pole: “They never give a position against Putin”. Among the dem, three vote in dissent (like the former Northern League Donato)

Today the European Parliament voted a new resolution against Russia. In particular, the document presented by the European People’s Party states that “Putin’s regime is a state sponsor of terrorism, an accomplice to war crimes and must face international consequences”. It was approved by a large majority of MEPs (494 votes in favour, 58 against and 44 abstentions). But the news is different: the Five Stars (and not only) took the opportunity once again to distinguish themselves and reiterate their ambiguity on the war in Ukraine by declaring their abstention. “He is stronger than them, every time there is a need to condemn Putin they hide behind a thousand excuses in order not to do it. Shameless”, accused the European parliamentarian of Renew Europe Nicholas Dante. And what kind of justification have the grillini ever given? “In Ukraine it is time to raise the tone for peace. The resolution that will be put to the vote today in the European Parliament goes in the opposite direction“, they anticipated in a note.

“Our solidarity with the Ukrainian people is total and we consider Russia as solely responsible for the ongoing war on Ukrainian soil. Its army has also committed heinous crimes, however after more than nine months of open hostilities they have not spared the civilian populations must silence the weapons and make diplomacy prevail. It is no longer the moment of confrontation“, continues the argument of the Five Stars stationed in Brussels and Strasbourg. “The great absentee from the text of the resolution of the European Parliament is the word peace and for this reason, while sharing the paragraphs of support for Ukraine, we cannot support it” A sort of transmigration of the Conte line at a European level.

But the position of the Five Star Movement has also influenced other groups, which have gone even further. Also in the morning the leader of the Democratic Party in the European Parliament Brando Benifei he had made clear how his party comrades would support the resolution. While asking that “the EU commit itself more so that the EU undertakes a unitary initiative, which aims to obtain a just peace that will put an end to the war in Ukraine”. A call, the one for peace, which seemed at least a little to wink at the relationship and interlocution with the grillini. And in fact then, from the count in the Chamber, it became clear that at least three MEPs from the Democratic Party voted against the text condemning Russia and its president as a sponsor of terrorism: they are Pietro Bartolo, Andrea Cozzolino and Massimiliano Smeriglio. Who thus expressed the same position as the former No vax and Eurosceptic Northern League Frances Donato.


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