Running away from Mia. The first draft of the active inclusion measure surprises even the Ministry of Labour

Running away from Mia.  The first draft of the active inclusion measure surprises even the Ministry of Labour


From via Veneto they say: “We didn’t know anything about such a detailed document” of the subsidy that should replace the Citizenship Income. And there are those in the government who are starting to distance themselves. Who leaked the details?

It is the return of the yellow-green “hand”, which is proposed again with the government of Giorgia Meloni. The political chain of command of the Ministry of Labor involves anonymous officials, gray bureaucrats who enjoy passing papers to journalists. Let’s talk about the draft Mythe Active inclusion measurement, the subsidy that should replace the citizen’s incomeanother measure of the strange season of the alliance between Lega and M5s.

While the press agencies beat the news of a document in twelve articles, complete with numbers, savings for the state coffers, coverage, the leaders of the Via Veneto dicastery inexplicably fell from the clouds. It is one of the topics of the day, but the big names in the Ministry of Labor know nothing about it. Incredible, yet true. At least according to a high-level ministerial source. But who released the draft? And why? Here is the answer. “Dunno, we didn’t know anything about such a detailed Mia document, probably the matter was passed on to journalists by the offices that dealt with the technical part, also because the political side was not aware of some details of the draft, such as the savings of two or three billion euros compared to the Citizenship Income”. The reasons for the leak are unknown. A cross-section between Luigi Di Maio’s little hand and Giuseppe Conte’s Dpcm drafts during the most difficult moments of the Covid 19 pandemic. A little whodunit. Big laughs in Via Veneto.

“We don’t know why they wanted to pass it on to journalists, perhaps to open a debate on the reform of the Citizenship Income”. Meanwhile, the ministry led by Marina Calderone he is forced to issue an official note in the afternoon, in which he backtracks. The draft arrived at the agencies “is a first draft of regulatory intervention”. Therefore it should not be considered as a “valid reference text for the reform”.

A step backwards which, perhaps, is a patch worse than the hole. But from Via Veneto they specify that it was the minister herself who insisted on distributing the statement, with the risk of giving the impression of a ministry that denies itself. The episode, as we said, also has some rather funny aspects. In fact, not everyone in the corridors of the Ministry of Labor, not even in the upper floors, knew that the new subsidy should be called Mia. Indeed, someone thought that the name would be the same as that of the provision passed by the Democratic Party in 2018: Rei, or Inclusion income. In any case, even the theme song was a forward escape. And there would be more than one draft. “I think there is also a more recent and different text compared to the one that came out”, continues the source of the Foglio, in a mixture of sarcasm and bitter acknowledgment of the flaw in the communication.

Moments of hysteria also in Via XX Settembre, headquarters of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Federico Freni, Northern League deputy minister of the Mef, escapes the clutch on Monday morning in Agorà, on Rai Tre. One of Giancarlo Giorgetti’s deputies early claims Mia: “So we will pass from subsidies to active labor policies”. The deputy minister of Fdi Maurizio Leo, Meloni’s eye in Via XX Settembre, thinks differently. The turnaround begins. “There is no draft reform of the Citizenship Income to be examined by the offices”, the Mef said. The opinion of Palazzo Chigi is awaited. After the leak, the race to escape from Mia began.


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