Ruffini’s confirmation is a blow to Melonian propaganda

Ruffini's confirmation is a blow to Melonian propaganda


The reasons that convinced the government to keep Ernesto Maria Ruffini at the helm of the Revenue Agency tell us a lot about the intentions and timing with which the tax delegation and reformvital to the premier experience of Giorgia Meloniwhich will result. It is known that the government intends to initiate the request to Parliament to obtain it by the beginning of February. The prospects for success are much higher than the most recent attempts, that of Mario Monti and that of Mario Draghi, because the legislature is at the beginning and the government enjoys appreciable stability and political homogeneity, all conditions which they could not benefit the premiers just mentioned. Better, however, precisely in order not to ruin this framework favorable to a redefinition of tax rules, to focus on the continuity of Ruffini’s management instead of opening a further front of conflict with a part of Parliament.

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