Rotondi: “Thus the Meloni-von der Leyen axis can change the EU”

Rotondi: "Thus the Meloni-von der Leyen axis can change the EU"


The time has come, for Giorgia Melonito do something extra to help Ursula von der Leyen? “But I believe that the prime minister has already been doing it for some time, pursuing a privileged axis and a path that recreates the European constitutional arc that can keep conservatives and popular together”. And yet, we ask the Honorable Gianfranco Rotondi, should the President of the Council spend more energy on a solution that provides for the re-election of the President of the European Commission, in order to make the European Parliament turn to the right? “Only if you want to safeguard a path of continuity. Because there are also other candidates who could pop up within a year. Just as the name of Antonio Tajani could emerge. After all, in recent years, in addition to the Ursula majority, we have also seen the Tajani majority”.

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