Roman Pd to national Pd: “The waste-to-energy plant is not discussed”

Roman Pd to national Pd: "The waste-to-energy plant is not discussed"


The Democratic Party is split (perhaps with the intention of courting the M5s). On the one hand the “anti-incinerator” ecologist Corrado e Ruotolo, who has proposed a referendum. On the other, Mayor Gualtieri and the Franciscans: “The priority is the cleanliness of the city”

More than a waste-to-energy plant, it is a madhouse. More or less spontaneous forward leaks, accusations of conspiracies to swap the Santa Palomba plant with the alliance with the M5s, current schemes that jump. The appointment of the “anti-incinerator” ecologist Annalisa Corrado in the new secretariat of Elly Schlein and the gybes of the new dem manager Sandro Ruotolo on a referendum to say yes or no to the work, they are sending the Roman Democratic Party into a tailspin. A complex organism, disoriented in the face of the “green” accelerations of the leaders of the Nazarene. The “No waste-to-energy plant” demonstration, convened for Wednesday 19 April in Piazza del Campidoglio, increases the stupor and increases the concerns of the Rome dem. The M5s and Virginia Raggi’s civic list have joined the protest. While the hypothetical presence of some exponent of the Democratic Party would inevitably create a case.

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