Robes | The “sources” see ghosts

Robes |  The "sources" see ghosts


Let’s rewind the movie. Palazzo Chigi and via Arenula, without putting their face on it, use the wording “anonymous sources” and go wild against the magistrates. “Guilty” of attacking the government in view of the European vote. First honor a Berlusconi that when he accused the judges he put his face on it. Not only that, as prime minister, he attacked the robes for his own trials. Here we are talking about three very different judicial cases. In case Santanchè of an investigation dating back over time, even to last year. In case Delmaster of a blatant violation of confidential papers to unleash a political attack in Parliament. The story Russia son then it’s completely private and it’s laughable just to think that it was artfully designed in an anti-Meloni key.

But the question is another. It pertains to the current heads of the Milan and Rome prosecutors, protagonists of the investigations. And who are the heads of these prosecutors? By any chance the red robes? Not at all. There are two openly independent judges, i.e. the right-wing current dear to the Undersecretary of the Presidency Alfredo Mantovano. Who usually converses with these magistrates, inviting them to divide the ANM.

They are not red robes either Franco Lo Voiwho leads the Rome prosecutor’s office, nor Marcellus Viola, head of that of Milan. Their professional history is known. And it is also known that they are two magistrates who fully exercise their direction of the two large offices. Together with that of Naples, where it is arriving Nicola Gratteri, which is not leftist either, among the largest in Italy. So what basis does the preconceived thesis of the “sources of Palazzo Chigi” have? Evidently when these communiqués were written it was perhaps late in the evening and the sources needed a good night’s sleep. Or they had had one drink too many.


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