Rivera melons. From Treasury to Enter. The four squares of power that the government can (perhaps) replace

Rivera melons.  From Treasury to Enter.  The four squares of power that the government can (perhaps) replace


They are four boxes, four directions, and are worth more than four ministries with portfolios. Power, if it exists, can be found here. They are Treasury, Revenue, State Property, Customs. The Meloni government will try to change their leadership. He deems it his right to do so. That he succeeds is to be seen. That he really wants it has to be proven. From these four directions there are threads that reach the Quirinale, cross Mario Draghi, involve the Bank of Italy, are knotted with the heart of international credit. There is only one school, on the right, capable of expressing level directors. It is the school of Giulio Tremonti. To identify the replacements, the Minister of Economy, Giorgetti, and his deputy, Leo, must go back to the ancient tradition. The first box is that of Alessandro Rivera, general manager of the Treasury. He is a figure who is “irreplaceable” for those who have worked with Draghi. However, there is a name. It’s Antonino Turicchi.

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