Rhythmic gymnastics in Milan, here is the World Cup: the program – Corriere.it

Rhythmic gymnastics in Milan, here is the World Cup: the program - Corriere.it


Milan is preparing to welcome the last stage of the World Cup of rhythmics for the first time. Present the Butterflies and Sofia Raffaeli

«Come and see, because you will witness a work of art». Gherardo Tecchipresident of federginnastica since 2016 (and reconfirmed in 2020 with over 90% of the votes) uses a few very simple words in his invitation to the Forums
of Assago where, from 21 to 23 July, the last stage of the rhythmic gymnastics world cup will be staged, which will introduce the World Championships in Valencia (August 23-27), which in turn will qualify for the Paris 2024 Olympics.
Athens, Sofia, Tashkent, Baku and finally Milan, which for the first time it will see the participation of the best gymnasts around (150 in total, 41 countries involved): «A city once again a showcase of talent and great events— he smiles Martina Rivavery young councilor for sport (30 years old) in immediately speaking in the center of the Brigida room, at Palazzo Marino — other events will follow which, between padel, fencing and more, will take us straight to the Milan-Cortina 2026 Games ». Finally, an invitation to the very young athletes who will perform: «Tell the values ​​of your sport even outside the gyms. No, it’s not true that it can’t be reconciled with studying».

The talent of Viola Sella and the champion Sofia Raffaeli

Nods in the front row Daniela, the mother-coach of Viola Saddlebright 16-year-old who finished third in the last absolute championships of Folgaria and who will also compete at the Forum. Tight daily life, in the gym as early as 8.30 and also in the afternoon, private school in the evening: «But I always repeat that things take place over time – explains the mother – the important thing is to have a goal, a light. And chasing her with her smile. If he loses? Without the mistake you learn nothing. It helps us to become better”. Viola will be the third blue, together with her Milena Baldassarri and Sofia Raffaeli19 years old, 160 cm for 40 kilos, the strongest Italian individualist gymnast of all time who uses very little Facebook, Twitter and TikTok, who watches a TV series every now and then and who listens to Ranieri, Celentano, De Gregori and Mia Martini.

Onopriienko, the 18-year-old who escaped from the bombs in Kiev

But in Milan there will be all the strongest in the world, from Bulgaria Kaleyn to the ukraine Onopriienko (18 years old) who, before being able to reach the border with Slovakia together with her mother and being “adopted” by Chieti, spent over a month between one underground and another in Kiev to escape the bombs of war. With them also the German Varfolomeevthe Israelis Atamanov And Asya Katz and, of course, ours Butterfliesin these busy hours in Cluj in the second stage of the World Challenge Cup (the second most important international itinerant circuit), where they will seek redemption after the European Championships played subtly at the end of May (fifth place in the general team competition and bronze with the five circles ) and the testimonies of the last few days on the well-known abuse scandal which unfortunately characterized the last months of Italian rhythmic gymnastics.

«Ours is a difficult but healthy world»

And on which the president Tecchi speaks more as a father than as a manager, standing up and without resorting to the help of the microphone: «Ours is a difficult but healthy world, I scream this out loud. There are guys who train with art and dedication, tackling everything with a seriousness that, however, must never go beyond certain levels. Waiting for the path of ordinary justice, I will always be on the side of the athletes”. On the screen behind him are the video interventions of the president of Coni Giovanni Malagò: «Gymnastics for the first time in Milan. Mamma mia, lots of stuff» and of the minister of sport Andrea Abodi, who quotes Pierino Gelmini: «Be strong, be clear, be free». Tickets and passes can be purchased online, otherwise live streaming of all races will be guaranteed: Friday 21 and Saturday 22 the qualifications and the general competition on the Youtube channel of the Gymnastics Federation, Sunday 23 the specialty finals live from 2 pm on La7.

July 14, 2023 (change July 14, 2023 | 4:30 pm)


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