Rhetoric aside, remembering the birth of the MSI is not a scandal

Rhetoric aside, remembering the birth of the MSI is not a scandal


It was a horrendous party, not a populist movement. A living, isolated, tolerably corrupt body like all Italian parties. Held together by anti-fascist discrimination

Isabella Rauti stopped for a moment in memory of the Italian Social Movement, and it was immediately a semi-scandal. Fool. Aborted. We have a Prime Minister from 1977, who had time to get contaminated by the Youth Front, in short, she comes from those ranks. You then broke the continuity and reformulated (almost) everything. And he has won a strong consensus with a right-wing, traditionalist ideology because conservative, and legitimately conservative, combined with the ringworm of the opposition and an increasingly more institutional politics, normalized with respect to the divided memory that clung to her back, to her and her creature and to a significant part of the political personnel who accompanied her. Now it’s all a race to forget, in the name of shared memorybut personally I’ve always found split memory more interesting.

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