Resign? Not at all. Delmastro doubles and gets a hoped-for nomination from Nordio

Resign?  Not at all.  Delmastro doubles and gets a hoped-for nomination from Nordio


The undersecretary of FdI will have a trusted man next to him: Francesco Comparone. He who, according to the opposition, should have resigned together with Donzelli, instead strengthens. With the blessing of the Minister of Justice

He had to fold, but instead doubles. That Andrea Delmastro he had no intention of giving in to the opposition’s requests for resignation, it seemed clear. That the garrison in Via Arenula of the Melonian undersecretary should even strengthen, however, was less obvious. And instead Charles Nordio he decided to avail himself, as his deputy chief of staff, of that Francesco Comparone, a long-time parliamentary official, who is a trusted man of Delmastro. The ministerial decree is already ready and its official publication is now awaited, but Comparone has already been at work for a few days in his new office at the Ministry of Justice. He will therefore join Giusi Bartolozzi, of Berlusconi extraction, rebalancing, so to speak, the political composition of the front line at the service of Nordio and his cabinet chief, Alberto Rizzo. In fact, Comparone replaces Nicola Selvaggi, who has been in Via Arenula since the time of Marta Cartabiarequested in the legislative office of the ministry headed by Antonello Mura.

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