Renzi’s dream for the Europeans: Gentiloni at the head of the house of reformists

Renzi's dream for the Europeans: Gentiloni at the head of the house of reformists


He dreams of the “house of the reformists for the Europeans who are there with”. MeanwhileMatthew Renzi sets aside brick by brick. Yesterday from Action – Carlo Calenda called it “mugging” – the deputy arrived Naike Piattini and the regional councilor Giulia Pigoni. And the shopping campaign doesn’t end there. Because the former prime minister is moving in all directions, especially towards the deluded “maximalist left” of Elly Schlein. Renzi is working on a project that Il Foglio is able to anticipate (apart from the usual tactical denials of those directly involved): to entrust the reformist pole to Paul GentiloniCommissioner for Economic Affairs, thoroughbred horse, suffering in the Democratic Party.

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