Renzi tries to scout among the disappointed in Schlein’s Pd

Renzi tries to scout among the disappointed in Schlein's Pd


Italia viva, after Enrico Borghi, is looking for new followers among those who do not feel at ease with the new secretary. New arrivals will be possible next week if the leader does not give something to minorities in the group presidency offices

Drin, drin. “Hello, who is this?”. “Hi, I’m Matteo Renzi”. The telephones of deputies, senators, regional councilors and even municipal councilors of the Democratic Party are very hot. They are looking for uneasy reformists, thoughtful moderates, worried by the new Elly Schlein dem line. After the Senator’s farewell Enrico Borgowho just two days ago announced his move to Italia viva together with Renzi, following a choice already made by Andrea Marcucci, a certain concern began to circulate within the Democratic Party. “On the other hand – some dem senators say – Matteo has been on February 27th (the day Schlein won the primary ed) che calls to try to find some disappointed”. The operation “lays out the uncomfortable reformist”, it is said, he and the very faithful, group leader of the Third pole in the Senate, would carry it out directly, Raffaella Paita (in her Liguria she has already managed to enlist some former Pd municipal councilors).

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