«Renzi must dissolve Italy alive. I work 25 hours a day, he wants his hands free»- Corriere.it

«Renzi must dissolve Italy alive.  I work 25 hours a day, he wants his hands free»- Corriere.it


Of Maria Theresa Meli

The leader of Action: «So he tries to block every step forward until the Europeans». “You can’t credibly form a party with someone who warns you that he will be director of the Riformista a quarter of an hour before it happens”

Carlo Calenda, what’s going on, are you and Matteo Renzi divorcing?

“You have to ask him. For 48 hours I have been targeted by attacks, even personal ones, by almost all the managers of Italia viva. For us, the point is political: Renzi refuses to undertake to dissolve Italy alive when the new party is born and is blocking every step forward on the road to a single party. And this is a problem: if one party does not arise from two parties but three are born, it simply means that you want to keep your hands free”.

Meanwhile, the coordination of the Third Pole no longer meets, for what reason?
«Because in December with a coup de theater Renzi once again became secretary of Italia viva, centralizing all powers on himself and removing Ettore Rosato with whom we worked very well and who sat on the coordination bodies of the Third Pole. Today in the Political Committee of the Third Pole there is no one who can make commitments for Italy alive. Does it seem normal to you? And even the group that was supposed to study the rules of the congress is no longer able to meet because from Italia viva they do not give availability. So Renzi needs to clarify ».

And how should this be clarified in your opinion?
«Meanwhile, responding to the document I sent him weeks ago to prepare the process he will bring
to the single party
and then clearly stating whether it is willing to dissolve Italia viva, because if it is not willing, no party will be born”.

So everything revolves around the leader of Italia viva Matteo Renzi?
“That’s the other problem. What I refuse to do is travel around Italy like a madman together with Elena Bonetti, produce proposals and at the same time have a person who is busy in other things but on whom every single decision depends. You can’t credibly make a party with one who warns you they will
the director of Reformist
a quarter of an hour before it happens»

But isn’t it suicidal to smash the Third Pole just as Forza Italia is shaking and the Democratic Party is moving decisively to the left?
“Don’t tell me. I keep thinking that there is a political space but this space does not materialize
if you spend your whole day responding to the background stories that are triggered by Italia viva
and to the statements against its leaders in order not to arrive at a decision on the single party”.

So you have the impression that Renzi is actually aiming to throw everything upside down?
«No, I have the impression that he wants to block
all the way to the Europeans
delaying each decision and then it will be seen waiting for the next move of the horse. Unlike Renzi, we all work 25 hours a day on this party together with Elena Bonetti, with whom I have an excellent relationship. But our project cannot depend on a person who does something else 90% of his time and who occasionally comes back and says “no, we don’t do this, let’s do it there” and takes apart all the work done».

Italia viva says that you are angry because they want to oppose you to another congressional candidate…
“These are weapons of mass distraction. I have publicly wished a thousand times that there are other contenders. There is only one point: at the end of this process will there be one party or three parties? In this last case there will be no Action because in that way only a gigantic chaos is created and because I honestly do not place the future of the party in the hands of what Renzi’s mood will be at that moment. In any case, Azione will continue to build the house of the reformists, the liberal democrats and the popular with whoever wants to work seriously on this project. Again, seriously.”

April 12, 2023 (change April 12, 2023 | 07:35)


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