Renzi and Calenda, increasingly tense relations: will it be a split?

Renzi and Calenda, increasingly tense relations: will it be a split?


Relations between Renzi and Calenda are increasingly tense, as the day after the vote in the Municipalities they had already had a question and answer regarding the removal of a couple of Action exponents, who had merged into IdV. The frictions could soon lead to a separation of the parliamentary groups of Action and Italia Viva. After the shipwreck with controversy of the single party project, the road to separate destinies at least in the Senate now appears marked. And the increasingly dense exchanges of barbs that Matteo Renzi and Carlo Calenda are launching certainly do not go in the direction of a last-minute truce.

This morning the IV leader attacked the ex-Minister of Economic Development head-on, stating that by now «it is not a question of a moral issue but a humoral issue» and adding that Calenda is now attacking him «like a grillino to add a few hours later that there would be reason to quarrel but I don’t decide». In the background, the question of the single list for the next European Championships, on which Renzi is pressing but on which Calenda has already closed, saying he has already given. From this point of view, the campaign of new members carried out by the Renzians and culminating in the arrival of the now ex-deputy of Action NaikeGroupioni in their group can be read as a way of putting pressure on Calenda to accept coexistence in the elections of June 2024.

The next step will be the meeting of the Senate group convened by Renziana Raffaella Paita initially for next Saturday, as a “political clarification” which, however, the leader of Action had rejected to the sender. «Our Emilian parliamentarians – she said – will be in Emilia Romagna on Saturday. Iv confirmed the meeting of senators, we I said I will not be able to attend. I proposed holding the meeting on Tuesday – she added – but they said no: they will hold it between themselves and send us a press release ». At that point came Paita’s piqued reply, who nevertheless decided to meet Calenda: «I find it quite cynical – she said – that the flood issue is mentioned as a reason for postponing the meeting. On Tuesday evening when our hearts and attention were focused on Romagna, Calenda on La7 attacked Renzi in the studio with Floris and Bersani. But everyone is responsible for her choices. The meeting of senators will therefore be held on Monday 22 May at 9 pm».


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