Remember the Armenian genocide so that it does not happen again. Two books by Antonia Arslan

Remember the Armenian genocide so that it does not happen again.  Two books by Antonia Arslan


With the novel “The fate of Aghavni” (Edizioni Ares) the writer returns to investigate the tragic fate of her family. In the symbolic figure of the refugee Selim the blacksmith, the connection with “The book of Mush”, appeared for the first time in 2012 and republished this year by Bur-Rizzoli

Eighteen years after the release of his masterpiece, La masseria delle larks, Antonia Arslan returns to investigate the tragic fate of her family, massacred, deported and dispersed during the Armenian genocide. What happened to Aghavni? Only from the meeting with a distant cousin, and from the discovery of an old photograph, does a forgotten truth re-emerge from the past, now transposed into a short novel (The fate of Aghavnì, Edizioni Ares, 120 pages) from the delicate and sensitive pen of the writer most translated contemporary Italian in the world.

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