Relations between Cateno De Luca and Letizia Moratti for a list together with the Europeans

Relations between Cateno De Luca and Letizia Moratti for a list together with the Europeans


The former mayor of Messina, a consensus machine in Sicily, and the Third Pole candidate for the regional elections in Lombardy talk, make political courtesies and think of a future together. The goal is to get to Strasbourg and Brussels

Cateno calls, Letizia answers. And the odd couple of Italian politics begins to take shape. The target? Building a list together in view of the next European Championships. He is Cateno De Luca, known as “Scateno” for his disheveled and shouted manners, 500,000 votes in the last regional elections in Sicily (eight elected councilors) and even two victorious parliamentarians in the single-member constituencies of the Chamber and Senate: he is at the head of the movement ” South calls North”. She is Letizia Brichetto Arnaboldi Moratti: a curriculum as long as the Great Wall of China, Milanese in purity, candidate for the Pirellone without particular luck with the Third Pole (9 percent, 320 thousand votes, immediately post-election coldness with Renzi & Calenda who had supported her , nor even a seat per se on the council).

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