Regional elections, the center-right and the “weight” of the Lombard match. Salvini-Berlusconi axis to “check”

Regional elections, the center-right and the "weight" of the Lombard match.  Salvini-Berlusconi axis to "check"


Of Mark Cremona

The dinner between the leaders of Lega and Forza Italia. Fears for the excessive power of Melon

The united electoral campaign of the centre-right ended with one less dinner. Not that she was programmed, not that she was already embedded in leaders’ agendas. Simply, Tuesday evening at Milanafter the united rally, Silvio Berlusconi he wanted to invite the allies to dinner. And instead, immediately after her intervention, Giorgia Meloni returned to Rome. Silvio Berlusconi was a little disappointed (“Not even a greeting…”) and so he went to dinner with Matteo Salvini and his two group leaders Licia Ronzulli (Senate) and Alessandro Cattaneo (Chamber).

A relaxed evening – precisely because of that the Northern League secretary did not see San Remo — in the very central Sophia Loren restaurant by Luciano Cimmino (owner of Carpisa and Yamamay). In which the affection between Berlusconi and the Northern League leader – publicly manifested at the Dal Verme theater – were reconfirmed: the recognition of founder of the center-right that Salvini always pays to him is a source of great satisfaction for the Knight. Even if around him the discontent for the passage of the blue Alan Rizzi in the League has not yet subsided.

And so, albeit in absolutely non-spirited tones, the topic of gods was also discussed themes: an axis and a side game between the Azzurri and the Northern League so as not to have the grass cut under your feet by the overwhelming power of the Brothers of Italy. The outcome of the polls in Lombardy is crucial for both Berlusconi and Salvini and it would be wrong to declassify it as a local matter. Both Forza Italia and the League were born here (“This is home for us,” Berlusconi said on stage) and in recent decades (since 1995) the two parties have expressed the backbone of the administration, innervating all its functional ganglia. Today, the Brothers of Italy – who guaranteed the reappointment of Attilio Fontana despite the fact that in Sicily the allies asked for and obtained the replacement of Nello Musumeci – want the junta and the administration to come to leave no doubts as to who will really lead Lombardy .

But the concern for the dominant force of the FdI does not only concern the possible “spoil system” within the Lombard alliance: it’s all there in Parliament too. And yesterday we already saw an act of force by the Azzurri and Northern League: the amendment on bathing establishments to the milleproroghe decree will also be voted on in the Senate by FdI, which however did not sign it. While next week, on the fuel decree, the sparks risk igniting in the Chamber on the exposure – already criticized by the Antitrust – of the average prices in service stations. The Guarantor Roberto Rustichelli is quoted a lot in the Lega and FI: «The benefits for consumers appear uncertain in the face of a possible risk of reduction of competitive stimuli».

Matteo Salvini, however, does not want to hear about doubts within the coalition. And at closing of the Northern League electoral campaign in Lazio, he says it once more: «We work well and we will work well for the next 10 years. 5 plus 5 years like the rental contract».

February 8, 2023 (change February 8, 2023 | 21:43)


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