Reforms, today Meloni meets the opposition. Renzi: “We are on the premiership”

Reforms, today Meloni meets the opposition.  Renzi: "We are on the premiership"


Government-opposition confrontation on the proposals of the parties. From the premiership to the French presidentialism. Minister Casellati: “In this phase we are looking for a synthesis that leads to maximum sharing”

“Today a day of confrontation with the opposition in the Chamber of Deputies, in the President’s Library. The government will dialogue with party representatives on the institutional reforms Italy needs. We intend to listen carefully to any suggestions or criticismsduring what we consider an important confrontation for our democracy and to approve urgent measures for the good of the citizens and the nation”. Giorgia Meloni thus opens up on his social profiles at the table which from 12.30 will see the proposals of the parties on the scrutiny institutional reforms: from semi-presidentialism to the German model chancellorship, from the premiership to the reform of the electoral law, passing through autonomy. And then in the reform dossier there is also the theme of the restoration of the provinces, of the powers of Rome as the capital and of the modification of the electoral law of the large municipalities, with the elimination of the current ballot system.

Salvini: “Listening and comparing, but then we move on”

“We are working to ensure that the country is stable, today we are starting a correct listening operation because the reforms of the Constitution cannot take place with majority blows”, said Matteo Salvini to the microphones of “L’Italia s’è desta” on Radio Cusano campuses. “The important thing is that people who want to discuss things sit at the table. If there isn’t this will, it seems reasonable to me to go ahead anyway”.

Renzi: “We are with Meloni on the premiership”

Meanwhile, there is a first opening from the leader of Italia viva Matteo Renzi: “We are on the premiership, even without Pd and M5s”. Seven years after the flop of his constitutional reform rejected by the referendum, in an interview with La Stampa, Renzi extends his hand to the prime minister without reservations. Italia viva’s proposal is simple: “Mayor of Italy and overcoming bicameralism”. “Of course there are other priorities as well, starting with tax cuts, where Meloni’s much-vaunted revolution has resulted in an insignificant cut. But constitutional reforms are needed. We said it when we were in government, we say it when we are in office. ‘opposition”. And he adds: “We will not do to the right what the right has done to me. So, in order to send me home, they blew up reforms that served the country. I tell Giorgia Meloni: if you are serious and make serious reforms, we will deal with constitutional reforms we are. Being reformists is not a slogan, it’s a vocation”.

Casellati, stability is for everyone

A marathon of meetings awaits you today, together with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, with all the opposition groups to try to understand if it will be possible to find an agreement on the constitutional reform. But in an interview with Corriere della Sera Maria Elisabetta Casellati, owner of the Reforms, says she is “confident”. And for this reason, unlike many of her colleagues, she prefers not to give ultimatums to her interlocutors, but to seek maximum collaboration: it is “premature”, she explains, to announce that the government will take care of itself if the opposition does not cooperate. “Constitutional reform cannot be a priority only for the centre-right, but a forced choice for everyone, because in 75 years of republican history, our country has had 68 governments with an average duration of 14 months”. And it is necessary to change the government system: “The future cannot be planned if the rules are constantly changing, with a rapid succession of governments. And then we need to restore popular sovereignty to the citizens in the choice of the President of the Republic or the Prime Minister “. “In this phase, instead of expressing preferences, I think it is more correct to find the ‘point of fall’, the synthesis capable of leading to the maximum possible sharing. An open proposal to welcome all useful contributions, but within a delimited. On the one hand, the direct election of the President of the Republic or of the Council and on the other, the guarantee of stability. An ‘Italian model’ which does not necessarily have to coincide with models tested in other countries”, concluded the minister.


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