“Reduce decrees, stop last minute amendments” – Corriere.it

"Reduce decrees, stop last minute amendments" - Corriere.it


Of Valentina Santarpia

In the Ventaglio ceremony, the president of the Chamber of Deputies takes stock of the first ten months of activity

One hundred and thirty sessions for 581 hours, intense work: a positive balance is what the Speaker of the Chamber traces, Lorenzo Fontana, during the traditional Fan ceremony by the Parliamentary Press Association, summarizing the first months of activity in Montecitorio during the new legislature. The judgment on the stability of our country is also positive: Compared to what history has been for a certain period, Italy is now the most stable country, compared to many years of instability, at a European level – says Fontana – Also seeing what happened in Spain, Italy currently has a more stable majority at the government and parliamentary level of many other European countries, especially in the parliament. France has some difficulties, we have seen Spain, it seems to me that Germany is not doing very well, so we have gone from being the most unstable to one of the most stable countries in Europe. Then for the future is never certain, better not to talk about it too much…, concludes the president of the Chamber superstitiously.

The appeal to the government

There is no shortage of improvement resolutions. The first warning is addressed to the government, whose needs the Parliament understands but which is asked to reduce the decrees, limiting them to cases of strict urgency, to give more space to bills or parliamentary initiatives, to protect parliamentary prerogatives. Another request also comes from Parliament, that a brake be put on to the last minute and omnibus amendmentsWe ask, as the President of the Republic underlined, that the amendments comply with the text – explains Fontana – In general we will be more stringent on the amendments. We have a regulation which allows us to make inadmissible amendments which do not comply with the text. There are often negotiations. We try to be as rigorous as possible. The reform of the regulation will probably also affect amendments arriving at the last minute or their admissibility.


A more general appeal is made to relations with the judiciary: My hope is that there will be no clashes between politics and the judiciary, because there must be balance and not a clash that is harmful to the country. And a reference to the controversies over the recent justice reform could not be missing: it is right that the reforms be made, but that they are shared as much as possible and that they do not create clashes between powers, added Fontana, urged by the president of the Parliamentary Press Association, Adalberto Signore, on the recent clashes between the government and the National Association of Magistrates regarding the cases involving the son of the president of the Senate Ignazio La Russa, the minister Daniela Santanch and the undersecretary Andrea Delmastro. While on the more strictly political front, Fontana looks to the Europeans: As a League we must try to get involved, be able to carry out those reforms in Europe that we have been asking for for some time. Then with whom to make it difficult to know now, in the European Parliament alliances and majorities are made after the vote.

Numerous and violent attacks on cybersecurity

The goodbye ceremony before the holidays also becomes a moment to share some disturbing news: On cybersecurity
we signed a security protocol with the National Cybersecurity Agency, because the attacks are numerous and often violent, says Fontana. a hybrid war that we cannot be caught unprepared for like Camera. it is right to give security to the institutions and in recent months we have thwarted several attacks.

The Mediterranean

As far as the issue of migrants is concerned, Fontana has one goal: We believe that the Mediterranean should once again be our home. He does not deny that migration is an epochal problem, it is certainly not good that there is also the Russo-Ukrainian war and it is evident that the economic instability of some North African countries, such as Tunisia, does not favor the stability and control of migrations, but it is also true that the Mediterranean must not be considered only from the point of view of migrations but also as the resource that can be, from a commercial point of view, important perspective that is often not given due consideration.

The celebrations

The Fan ceremony was the right occasion to also announce the events for the 75th anniversary of the Constitution.
September 19th, in the presence of the President of the Republic, Andrea Bocelli will come to open the session and moderate Bebe Vio. It will be an attempt to make an anniversary inclusive, so much so that we will do various things with the Italian Blind Union to make sure that it is truly a celebration for all Italians, even for those with disabilities. we will try to make everyone feel involved in this important anniversary. During the year there will also be the exhibition for the hundredth anniversary of Matteotti’s murder, which promises to be a very beautiful work with the agreement of all the groups and an important and significant initiative.

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July 25, 2023 (change July 25, 2023 | 12:22)


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