Rampelli is the first great sacrifice by Giorgia Meloni: the story of a patricide

Rampelli is the first great sacrifice by Giorgia Meloni: the story of a patricide


“For now I am Vice President of the Chamber”. It is the only concession that Fabio Rampelli concedes to his future. For now he is also above all the great and first sacrificed by Giorgia Meloni, the girl who has seen growing up in the Colle Oppio section together with an entire generation, that of the Seagulls. “We have written messages to each other in these hours,” says Rampelli. And he suggests that perhaps the relationship between the two has deteriorated a little. Many gave him to the Ecological Transition, Meloni was ready to grant him at most a post as undersecretary or deputy minister. Eventually Rampelli would have refused fallback positions due to his well-known pride.

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