Rai playa. Portrait of the “lamped” Roberto Sergio, future CEO after Fuortes

Rai playa.  Portrait of the "lamped" Roberto Sergio, future CEO after Fuortes


Rome. Carlo Fuortes, forgive us. You are (almost) the past Rai. The “Fuortes Act” decree has been approved. Outside the francioso Lissner from the San Carlo in Naples, inside Fuortes at the San Carlo in Naples (now you resign?). Now begins “Rai, vamos a la playa”. Turn up the volume on the radio and prepare the sunscreen. The new CEO of Rai, the designated by Giorgia Meloni (she met him) is Roberto Sergio, the CEO “cocorito”, current director of Radio Rai, the man who overturned an age-old principle. For him, the radio must be seen, before being heard. And in fact, Radio Rai is not heard, and the listeners write it. For six months, this ongoing ad has been repeating to everyone, even the florist: “I’ll do the ad Rai”. In practice, he carries out the consultations as the prime ministers in charge do, but Sergio also makes the lamps like Carlo Conti, even if he does a little more.

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