Rai eskimo, Pd, Usigrai and Fnsi resistance starts against the new CEO Sergio

Rai eskimo, Pd, Usigrai and Fnsi resistance starts against the new CEO Sergio


The eskimo is back in the newsroom: Rai, “worker microphone”. We are still in Viale Mazzini, Rai headquarters, a few hours after the indication, in the CDM, by Roberto Sergio, to Rai. The Mole of Italy, the patriot reporter of FdI, “mo te sfonno”, says that “the piddino journalist, the red stinker, is ‘preparing’ ‘and barricades with Pd, Usigrai, Fnsi, because the Meloni government, in Rai, he made a quality tailor. Now you need Infiltrator 1”. He puts us in contact with the Infiltrator 1, “er rosso Rai turned black (Fuortes), but who still pretends to be red. He doesn’t ‘give you’. It’s a Gucci parka. Believe me, I’m the most fanatical. You’re fine with everything.” May ’68 tests are being carried out in Rai. The leader of the Rai arrondissement is Sandro Ruotolo, general “Baffo”.
Now that is the “triple”. The first is “Baffo” Ruotolo appointed by Elly Schlein, head of information, culture and memory of the Democratic Party. Urca. The other is Daniele Macheda, secretary of Usigrai, the very powerful union of the Rai journalist, the Politburo which decides on the shooting of any Rai director. Boom, boom, boom. However, the true ideologist is still him, “the Mario Capanna of Rai”, the longest-serving secretary in the history of Usigrai. It is Vittorio Di Trapani, Rai News journalist, now president of Fnsi, a pupil of Beppe Giulietti, another historic bulwark of Italian freedom of information. Even Carlo Verdelli, during his brief experience in Rai, former director of Repubblica, the stainless director of the title “Ombre nere” against Salvini, was shocked by Di Trapani. He recounted it in his Pavesian diary book: “From Trapani, a Jesus surrounded by disciples”. Hurray, double hurrah. Infiltrator 1 tells us about his conversion and the reasons for this denunciation: “Er futuro. Carlo Fuortes blocked everything. He went on strike for the signature. And he was from the left, der Pd. Sinistra me coj… Se o pijo, ‘o corco io”. But Infiltrator 1 also reveals the secrets of the clandestine activity of “worker microphone”, intensified after Sergio’s appointment and in view of the Rai shareholders’ meeting, scheduled for Monday (subsequently another board of directors to indicate Chiocci on Tg1). Infiltrator 1, but will Sergio be elected by the board? “Those, the members, you vote everything. The opposition is another. You must know that Pd, Usigrai, Fnsi and Article 21 are now blocking. They write the same press releases, change some adjectives and then, poof, they send them to the agencies, every few minutes, and it’s ta-ta-ta-ta effect. Obviously, at the assemblies, I am the first to refer to anti-fascism. When the eyes rest on me, I repeat to the neighbor: ‘Rai, anti-fascist!’. So I blend in. Secretly, I read all the articles by Francesco Maria Del Vigo in the Giornale. I don’t miss one.” We tune in together on Di Trapani’s twitter profile and discover the line. Di Trapani writes: “No, this occupation of Rai is not like the previous ones. Here we are faced with a government that did not hesitate to use a decree law to take the chair of CEO. Now it’s up to the board of directors to vote: it will first of all be a judgment on the method used to occupy Viale Mazzini”. Ruotolo relaunches: “They said it and they did it. In Rai the government wants to impress the single color “. Two days ago, the Leninist moment, the “what to do?”, took place at the Usigrai assembly. There are 2,000 journalists, 220 only those of Rai News (if Mentana had them, Rai salute you). It’s a compact union that doesn’t let it get away with it. Recent example of battle. Teletext Usigrai journalists complained of the absence of a service manager during the night hours. Attention, it’s not that the editors are missing, the head of service is missing. Always the Infiltrator. “But that is little. You must know that Ggiorgia, on May 16, has to go to the Council of Europe, in Reykjavik, and then to Japan, on the 19th. The Rai journalist doesn’t want to go to Reykjavik, but the one from Tg3 does, it’s more dangerous. Instead, everyone wants to go to Japan, a caravan, and in fact 24 go there. And there’s more. They leave for Tokyo on May 16 instead of 17. Do you know why? Because they don’t want to stop. The journalist competitor of Sky and Mediaset instead leaves from Rome for Reykjavik and from Reykjavik moves to Tokyo. ‘A miserooo!’. The infiltrator is now Melonian, there is no doubt. He also made a quality tailor, but also a tailor in the circle of fire. “So, as I told you, in the Usigrai assembly, was the debate a strike or a non-strike? Now tell me: are you going on a preventive strike?”. The infiltrator promises that he is no less than the Mole. “I know, or I know. Do you want totoportrona, Rai. I’ll settle you. First of all, you must know that they are trying to screw Captain Salvini. They only want to give his Monica Setta on Sunday afternoon. Captain Salvini is not enough, he dotes on Setta. He has already warned Ciannamea: ‘a Marcè, assert yourself”. But the Captain must also enhance Francesca Parisella, another voice of Isoradio”. Infiltrate 1, but in short, of your old references, what about the current directors of genres, the Di Bellas, the Salas and the Colettas? He tells, tells… “A scene that I’m not telling you. Their deputies, who in a few days will become directors (Corsini, Mellone and Ciannamea), in a room, prepare the new schedule, while Di Bella, Sala and Coletta, in their rooms, prepare the old schedule”. And you, infiltrator? “And you ask me? Anti-fascist strike with “Baffo” Ruotolo. Wait, wait. Come closer, more, more”. In the ear: “Aho, I’m in brigà for ‘annà at Chiocci’s. I recommend. Secrecy. And sing, sing! One morning, I woke up, oh beautiful bye, beautiful bye (louder) Oh, partisan, take me away!”.

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