Rai, De Luca: “Berlinguer to Mediaset? Too bad we don’t see that troglodyte from Corona anymore…”

Rai, De Luca: “Berlinguer to Mediaset?  Too bad we don't see that troglodyte from Corona anymore..."


It is a De Luca from an anthology – and who knows if not from a lawsuit – the one who this morning commented on Bianca Berlinguer’s passage to Mediaset. The governor of Puglia, known for not mincing his tongue, said addressing Rai’s top management: “You have pulled this sòla to Mediaset with Berlinguer, congratulations”.

A sentence addressed to Rai top management on the occasion of the presentation of the 2023-2024 schedule at the Rai production center in Naples. De Luca concluded his speech by expressing with the well-known irony «a grievance: I saw Berlinguer leaving Rai. Now, thinking that I can no longer see that Neanderthal who was hosted in his broadcast, that troglodyte who presented himself dressed as an Afghan goatherd, a Yemeni camel driver, I am ill at imagining that we will no longer have that image of refinement and elegance. Apart from this note of pain, I think you are in a position to offer a truly extraordinary schedule. You pulled this single to Mediaset with Berlinguer. I recommend, quality things ».


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