Rai Budapest, in Viale Mazzini suffering against Schlein. Myrta Merlino towards Rai 2

Rai Budapest, in Viale Mazzini suffering against Schlein.  Myrta Merlino towards Rai 2


Rai Budapest. Frustration is red, armochromatic. The Rai journalist, Pci-Pds-Ds-Pd, now feels limp, disappointed, dismayed. Fabio Fazio was the only stable affection. Detachment from him What harm does it do. Giuseppe Conte screeching in Viale Mazzini. He’s already scalped! Luisella Costamagna, M5s area, could in fact grab Rai 3 Sunday, while Myrta Merlino would be about to leave the La7 tent and rent Rai 2, the Thursday night penthouse.

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