Queer Pandemia, the exhibition in Milan from 22 June to 2 July

Queer Pandemia, the exhibition in Milan from 22 June to 2 July


There are narratives that still today label homosexual people as “different”, or even worse as “sick” or “monsters”. From 22 June to 2 July in Milan, an exhibition will reappropriate these labels to celebrate the community queer through art. The project is entitled “Queer Pandèmia – Artistic contaminations of another kind”, is created by the cultural association TWM Factory and has finally found a home in the Base cultural center. “We tried to dialogue with public institutions but they rejected us – he says Nicola Brucoli, president of the TWM Factory cultural association –. We were told that, given the current government, “the times are not right”. The Base Milano, on the other hand, gave us complete freedom of expression. An act of courage and resistance.

The exhibition talks about practices that may initially seem “foreign and frightening”, but which actually allow LGBTQIA+ people to “conquer a space of representation in society”. Art thus becomes an instrument of «reappropriation of spaces and celebration of all identities – reads the press release – especially those who are marginalised, excluded or feared».

Antonia Freisburger, BAL

The exhibition is the result of one call international, launched by TWM Factory, which was attended by 250 artists and 46 authors: «A ferment of the margins ready to introduce, invade, proliferate and contaminate contemporary culture and art». TWM Factory is not new to cultural operations of this type: last year it had already introduced artistic practices queer contemporary in institutional spaces with the exhibition Ultraqueer at Palazzo Merulana in Rome.

Ultraqueer, from the monstrous to the fabulous: the great beauty of “non-conforming bodies” in Rome


According to Linda Di Pietro, artistic director of Base Milano, the exhibition responds to a precise need, that of «decanonizing spaces through the inhabitation of bodies and uses queer». Through the works of art, the Base cultural center is transformed into a «living archive that records the joys and struggles of culture queercelebrating the spaces it creates».

The more than 60 international artists present works by video art, photography, design, painting, installations And sculptures, using a variety of languages ​​that interpret «hybrid imaginaries between the vegetable, animal and digital world», explains the curator of the exhibition, Carlo S. Battisti. “Their works – he adds – offer a unique perspective on queerness Contemporary. Furthermore, with an installation by Giacomo Giannantonio and Viola Morini, the concept of architecture of resilience and thought will be explored eco-queer and transfeminist.”

Yunru Quan, Source

On the occasion of the “Queer Pandèmia” exhibition, a book of the same name created by TWM Factory in collaboration with Edizioni TLON will be published. The volume presents a wide range of works, languages ​​and visions related to queerness, offering complete freedom of interpretation. A real collective map of contemporary and emerging queer artistic practices within the LGBTQ+ community.

Authors and authors on display
AdeY, Alberto Maggini, Alessandro Burelli, Alia Mascia, Andrea Casanova, Antonia Freisburger, Anthromorph, Arianna Martucci, Benedetta Filippo Chilelli, Cesar Brodermann & The Skinny Type, Chiara Bruni, Chiara Cor, Coyote Park, Daniela Weiss & Marianne Rodziewicz, Daniele Costa , Davide Fossati (Abraxass), Denys Shantar, Diego Moreno, Domenico Cennamo, Dorotea Tocco, Edwin Harmon (LUZ), Elena Zecchin, Fabio Orioli, Federico Salis, Florian Hetz, Francesco Esposito, Francesco Saverio Tani, Giacomo Giannantonio & Viola Morini, Giovanfrancesco Giannini, Gianluca Sturmann, Giovanni Trimani, Giulia Cauti, Giuseppe Loi, Guglielmo Mattei, Jacopo Paglione, Jordi Alessandro Bello Tabbi, Lorenzo Zerbini, Luca Bosani, Ludovica Anzaldi, Marte Gastaldello, Matteo Piacenti, Noah Schiatti, Ohii Katya, Ornella Mercier, Pietro Spirito, Roberta Morzetti, Rooy Charlie Lana, Sara Lorusso, Serena Gianoli, Silvia Minali, Simona Coltello, Sofia Talanti, Sohyun Park, Stefania D’Amato, Stefano Melissa, Sunday Russel, Teresa Russo, Twee Whistler, Yannick Lambelet, Yunru Quan and Ziyu Wang.

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