Public works divide the government. So the Pnrr slows down

Public works divide the government.  So the Pnrr slows down


At what stage is the implementation of the Pnrr? Although concern has been expressed by many about the difficulties that our public administrations encounter in achieving the objectives agreed with the EU, one institutional datum and two factual data must be taken into account. The institutional datum was reaffirmed by those who indicated that the legal system clearly identifies the public authority which is responsible for verifying compliance with the commitments undertaken by each state. That authority is the Commission. And, in point of fact, after having expressed justified perplexities about the delays deriving from the changes made by the Meloni government to the governance of the Pnrr, the Commission expressed positive evaluations. You did it at the political level, with Paolo Gentiloni, and at the administrative level, with the director of the Recovery and Resilience task force, that is, the office that deals with the checks. The other factual element, which explains the previous one, is that, while some members of the majority persist in attributing to the European institutions less favorable treatment than that reserved for the Draghi government, others have acquired – somewhat belatedly, but it is better late than never – the awareness that, to have good relations with Brussels, continuous dialogue is essential, before sending official documents, and after doing so. It is no coincidence that for one of the problems encountered by the Court of Auditors, that concerning stations for refueling with hydrogen, the target was remodulated thanks to a fruitful dialogue.

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