“Princess and the Pea”. So Cuperlo’s wife attacks Schlein

"Princess and the Pea".  So Cuperlo's wife attacks Schlein


A political affair, and a little even a family one. That it is up to her, the wife, to publicly express the criticisms that he, the husband, must be careful not to formulate in such a caustic way, is a hypothesis that would sound awkward, however. For him, who would pass for fearful; and for her, that she would play the part of the one he rants on commission. Instead perhaps there is only a great deal of freedom in the comments that Ines Loddo dedicates, without ever quoting it, to Elly Schlein. For example: “Curious. The more the need to talk to each other grows, to confront each other, even to touch each other again… Toh! Online. I don’t know why but mattresses stacked on top of a pea come to mind. Princesses have princess claims”.

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