Presidia project, from Pnrr 3.2 million to educate on digitization in the Marches

Presidia project, from Pnrr 3.2 million to educate on digitization in the Marches


Facilitate digitization by spreading the culture of innovation and knowledge of new technologies among citizens with a view to social inclusion and active citizenship. These are the aims of the Presìdi project, the Regional Course of Education in IT and Interactive Digital Services that the Marche Region is preparing to launch thanks to Pnrr funding relating to measure 1.7.2. ‘Network of Digital Facilitation Services’, in line with the strategy of the Agenda for the Digital Transformation of the Marche 21-27 for the Widespread Digital Village. The resources assigned to the Marche Region amount to 3.2 million euros for the project which provides for the training of around 60 thousand people from the Marches, over three years, through the establishment of 74 digital facilitation points in the city, to be identified through a procedure selection aimed at local authorities.

“With the Presìdi project – anticipates the Councilor for Digitization Andrea Maria Antonini – we want to contribute to the development and dissemination of digital services in a capillary way throughout the territory, providing training sessions, assistance and information and awareness campaigns in neighborhoods, local communities and in public spaces. The initiative includes activities aimed at increasing the level of preparation and developing more digital skills by citizens, so that they can acquire the minimum digital skills required for work, personal development, social inclusion and active citizenship. The ultimate goal is to allow them a conscious approach to digital reality and the fair use of online services offered by public administrations”.

In the centers identified, citizens will be able to benefit from training on e-government issues and access to public and private digital platforms and services: they will be assisted by “digital facilitators”, specially trained figures through a specific and professionalizing path. The facilitation points will be open up to 24 hours a week, over the three-year period 2023-2025 and equipped with technical equipment suitable for producing, offering and making available, in person or online, qualified information and training content and technical support activities . The service is aimed at users aged 18-74, whether they are residents or visitors passing through. A Regional Council Resolution (No. 1149/2022) approved the agreement scheme with the Digital Transition Department (Dtd) and defined the criteria of accessibility, connectivity, cost-effectiveness, availability and synergy for identifying these points.

The Operational Plan, already drawn up by the Digital Transition and IT Sector of the Marche Region, sets the start of the project in January 2023, with the establishment of the coordination group, the recruitment of digital facilitators capable of overseeing the territorial offices and the selection of participating institutions. The locations for the construction of the centers will be those made available by Municipalities and local institutions, such as schools, universities, healthcare companies. And other future synergies are envisaged with third sector subjects and consumer counters.

The first notice
The first notice was published on the Marche Region website – approved with decree no. 288/TDI of 06/12/2022 (call id n. 6344) – for the presentation of expressions of interest for the establishment of the «List of digital facilitation centers in the Marche» and is dedicated to Public Administrations. Provinces, Municipalities, Unions of Municipalities, Mountain Unions, Schools, Universities, Libraries and Public Museums, Territorial Health Authorities and other health service bodies can present their candidacy, also through aggregation projects. regional. The expression of interest must be sent to the Digital Transformation and IT Sector by 16 January 2023, by completing an online form and sending the application exclusively via the ProcediMarche web platform. For further information on how to participate in the notice, it is possible to consult the page


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