Portrait of Luigi Necco, who sang Maradona

Portrait of Luigi Necco, who sang Maradona


What did we miss? The third scudetto of Napoli told by Luigi Necco, the most loved face of 90° Minuto, the broadcast of us boomers when the championship was all played on Sunday at the same time and a victory was worth two points. The journalist who with polite irony let anyone digest his brazen propensity for the blue team will not tell the championship already booked. Better not to rehash it now, after the recent beatings with Milan, but the little hand that closed the connection with a “3” when Maradona’s Napoli gave the Rossoneri many is still a cult video on YouTube. Years later he would have defined it, with an ecclesial citation, “the gesture of Christ Pantocrator”. Because this was Necco and this did not seem to those who still remember him only for his activity as a sports journalist: a man of profound culture with a passion for archeology stronger than that for football.

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