Polls, the primaries drive the Democratic Party. FdI steady at 31%, M5S remain second party

Polls, the primaries drive the Democratic Party.  FdI steady at 31%, M5S remain second party


In the week of the primaries in the gazebo for the choice of the new party secretary, the Democratic Party is once again gaining support. A sign that the challenge between the two candidates to lead the dem, Stefano Bonaccini and Elly Schlein, has captured the attention of left-wing voters. According to the SWG survey for La7 (carried out between 15 and 20 January) on voting guidelines, the Democratic Party stands at 15.8 percent, gaining 0.7 percent compared to last week’s survey.

However, the preferences of the voters remain the Brothers of Italy, which remains anchored to the 31 percent gained in the aftermath of the vote for the regional elections. No change, therefore, for the party of Giorgia Meloni, which significantly detaches the 5 Star Movement, which stands in second position. In fact, the pentastellati drop by 0.7 and stop at 17 percent.

Like the Democratic Party, the League also earns something and in the last seven days it has nibbled at 0.4% of the preferences, however remaining below the 10 percent threshold and not exceeding 9.3. Forza Italia follows with 0.1 more than last week (6.2%).

Action of Charles Calenda, on the other hand, loses almost half a point (-0.4) and drops to 7.4 per cent. The Popular Union rises to 2% (+0.3) and remains stable More Europe (2.8). Italy drops slightly with Paragone (-0.3%) which thus reaches 1.9.


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