Polling stations open from 7 to 15 for the regional elections in Lombardy and Lazio. Declining turnout

Polling stations open from 7 to 15 for the regional elections in Lombardy and Lazio.  Declining turnout


Over twelve million citizens are called to the polls. At 11pm yesterday, less than one in three Italians had voted, compared to 70 percent in the previous elections. The counting will begin immediately after the voting and the matching of the voters

The polling stations reopened at 7 this morning regional elections in Lombardy and Lazio for the second day of voting. You can vote from 7 to 15. Immediately after – at the end of the voting and voter matching operations – the counting will begin. Over twelve million citizens are called to the polls to choose governors and councils of two of the most important Italian regions. For this electoral round there are 9,254 sections for Lombardy in a total of 1,504 municipalities and 5,306 sections for Lazio divided into 378 municipalities.

Despite the premier’s appeal – “It’s an important election, go and vote,” said Giorgia Meloni leaving the polling station in Rome – the Viminale data on turnout confirm the sharp drop in participation: at the close of the polls on the first day of voting, at 11 pm yesterday, 29.72 percent had voted (compared to 70.63 percent in the previous regional elections). In Lombardy (1,504 out of 1,504 municipalities) the turnout is 31.78 percent (in 2018 at the same time and with the same number of municipalities it had voted 73.11). In Lazio (378 out of 378 municipalities) it is 26.28 percent (66.55 percent). In 2018, voting took place in a single day, while this year the polling stations will also be open today, from 7 to 15.


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