Political polls: the point on parties after the administrative elections, Action falls below 4

Political polls: the point on parties after the administrative elections, Action falls below 4


This week, in the first survey after the centre-right’s victory in the administrative elections, no noteworthy changes emerged from Supermedia, with the only exception of the drop in Action (-0.5%) which fell below 4% for the first time.

Brothers of Italy loses 0.2 percent but remains above 29. Loss of a decimal point for the Democratic Party which is not affected much by the flop at the Municipal elections. The Movimento 5 Stelle and Italia Viva remained stable at 15.9. No significant deviation for Lega, Forza Italia and Verdi/Left.

A stalemate that is confirmed by the substantially unchanged balance between the two main coalitions, with the centre-right at 46.1% and the centre-left at 25.8%.

Supermedia lists
FdI 29.1% (-0.2)
Pd 20.6% (-0.1)
M5S 15.9% (=)
Alloy 8.9% (-0.1)
Forza Italia 7.0% (+0.2)
Share 3.8% (-0.5)
Italy Long live 3.0% (=)
Greens/Left 3.0% (+0.1)
+Europe 2.3% (+0.2)
Italexit 2.2% (+0.1)
Popular Union 1.4% (-0.1)
We Moderates 1.1% (+0.1)

Supermedia coalitions 2022
Centre-right 46.1 (-0.1)
Centre-left 25.8 (+0.1)
M5S 15.9 (=)
Third Pole 6.8 (-0.4)
Italexit 2.2 (+0.1)
Others 3.2 (+0.3)

NB: the changes in brackets indicate the deviation from the Supermedia of two weeks ago (May 25, 2023)

The Supermedia YouTrend/Agi is a weighted average of national polls on voting intentions. Today’s weighting, which includes surveys carried out from 24 May to 7 June, was carried out on 8 June on the basis of sample size, the date of implementation and the data collection method. The surveys considered were carried out by the institutes EMG (date of publication: May 29), Euromedia (June 8), Piepoli (June 6), Quorum (June 5), SWG (May 29 and June 5) and Tecnè (May 28 and 3 June). The detailed methodological note of each survey considered is available on the official website www.sondaggipoliticoelettorali.it.


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