Political polls, the first time of Action and Iv alone after the divorce: Calenda ahead on Renzi. Eight points divide FdI and Pd

Political polls, the first time of Action and Iv alone after the divorce: Calenda ahead on Renzi.  Eight points divide FdI and Pd


Eight points divide Brothers of Italy and Pd. The party of Giorgia Meloni the descent continues, which has been going on for almost a month now, since Elly Schlein new dem secretary was proclaimed. Now, according to the new SWG survey for La7, FdI would be at 29% (-0.3%) and the dem at 21% (+0.3%). The Democratic Party therefore shortens the distance with FdI and lengthens it with the M5S, which, despite gaining 0.3%, stands at 15.4%.

But this is ‘divorce’ week between Charles Calenda And Matthew Renzi and the survey shows the two parties alone for the first time since the split and the end of the Third Pole: Action is ahead at 4.6% e Italy alive it is down by 2 points, at 2.6. With the leader Renzi who comments: “These days the controversy over the third pole is finally easing. From my side there will be no insult because for me politics is a dream, not mud. I am ready to discuss ideas with everyone but I am not I will never attack anyone on a personal level or with justicialist tones – he writes in his enews – You will see that time will be a gentleman this time too”.

Under the Movement of Joseph Conte there is the Leaguewhich rises again (+0.6%) reaching 9.4%, followed by Come on Italy that, after the leader’s admission to intensive care Silvio Berlusconihad recovered and is now down again (-0.2%) thus reaching 6.3%.

Above Iv are Greens and the Italian Left at 3.1%, virtually stable (-0.1%) as well +Europe now at 2.3% (-0.1%) e Popular Union at 1.9. To close Italy with Comparison to 2.1% which recovers 0.2%


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