Political polls: the disputes between Renzi and Calenda favor the Democratic Party

Political polls: the disputes between Renzi and Calenda favor the Democratic Party


The quarrels and divisions in the Third Pole favor the Democratic Party of Elly Schlein.

This is what emerges from this week’s Youtrend supermedia where for the first time two separate data are available again for Action and Italia Viva, the two parties of the now former centrist coalition: the first is at 4.1% the second at 2.4% . The total figure (6.6%) is in any case clearly lower than the aggregate figure of two weeks ago (7.3%) before the dispute between Charles Calenda And Matthew Renzi.

The main beneficiary of this decline in the centrist federation is the centre-left, in particular the Pd, which grows by almost one point in two weeks, returning above 20% and about 8 points behind the party of Giorgia Meloni.

However, the centre-right remains stable with FdI solidly leading the party (28.7%). The approvals for Forza Italia and Lega were also essentially unchanged.

FDI 28.7 (+0.1)
PD 20.5 (+0.8)
M5S 15.9 (+0.1)
Alloy 8.9 (-0.1)
Forza Italia 7.2 (-0.1)
Action 4.1 (no)
Greens/Left 3.0 (=)
Italy Viva 2.4 (no.)
+Europe 2.1 (-0.1)
Italexit 2.0 (-0.1)
Popular Union 1.4 (-0.2)
We Moderates 1.3 (+0.1).

Centre-right 46.1 (=)
Centre-left 25.7 (+0.8)
M5S 15.9 (+0.1)
Third Pole 6.6 (-0.7)
Italexit 2.0 (-0.1)
Others 3.7 (-0.1)

NB: the changes in brackets indicate the deviation from the Supermedia of two weeks ago (April 13, 2023).

The Supermedia YouTrend/Agi is a weighted average of national polls on voting intentions. Today’s weighting, which includes polls conducted from 13 to 26 April, was carried out on 27 April on the basis of sample size, the date of creation and the data collection method. The surveys considered were carried out by the institutes Demopolis (date of publication: April 19), EMG (April 17 and 24), Ipsos (April 22), Noto (April 22), Quorum (April 24), SWG (April 17 and 24 ) and Tecnè (15 and 22 April).


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