Political polls: FdI firmly in the lead. The Pd gnaws consensus, M5S in decline

Political polls: FdI firmly in the lead.  The Pd gnaws consensus, M5S in decline


In the hot days of the electoral campaign for the Municipalities, in the national surveys the Pd continued to squeeze tenths of points in the consensus reaching 20.6%, while Brothers of Italy, which confirms itself as the leading party, remained well established at 29%. This is what emerges from the usual survey by Supermedia Agi/Youtrend, according to which the two parties continue to drive their respective coalitions (+0.1% for the government led by Giorgia Meloni + 0.2% for the centre-left). Still losing ground M5S: a 0.3% which added to the data of the previous survey brings a drop of half a percentage point for the symbol of Giuseppe Conte. Also there League takes off another 0.2% after another tenth previously lost, while Come on Italy recovers a slight positive sign.

Supermedia lists

FDI 29.0% (=)
PD 20.6% (+0.2)
M5S 15.7% (-0.3)
Alloy 9.0% (-0.2)
Forza Italia 7.1% (+0.1)
Share 4.1% (-0.1)
Greens/Left 3.1% (+0.2)
Italy Long live 3.0% (=)
+Europe 2.1% (-0.3)
Italexit 2.2% (=)
Popular Union 1.2% (+0.1)
We Moderates 1.0% (+0.2)

Supermedia coalition

Centre-right 46.1 (+0.1)
Centre-left 25.8 (+0.2)
M5S 15.7 (-0.3)
Third Pole 7.1 (-0.1)
Italexit 2.2 (=)
Others 3.1 (+0.1)

The Supermedia YouTrend/Agi is a weighted average of national polls on voting intentions. Today’s weighting, which includes surveys carried out between 18 and 31 May, was carried out on 1 June on the basis of sample size, the date of implementation and the data collection method. The surveys considered were carried out by the institutes Euromedia (date of publication: May 24), Ipsos (May 27), Noto (May 25), Piepoli (May 24), SWG (May 22 and 29) and Tecnè (May 21 and 28 ). The detailed methodological note of each survey considered is available on the official website www.sondaggipoliticoelettorali.it.


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