Pnrr, here is the government decree: more hiring in the PA and among the state to push the Recovery

Pnrr, here is the government decree: more hiring in the PA and among the state to push the Recovery


ROME. Organizational strengthening of the administrations that implement the Pnrr and of the administrative capacity of local authorities, more recruitment in ministries: these are some of the measures envisaged in a draft decree law on the PA, which should arrive in the Council of Ministers on Thursday. The text, of 30 articles, provides, among other things, for a monitoring of the reforms for the public administration, and provisions on the subject of public utility services of the number 1500 and safeguarding the employment levels necessary for its functioning, as well as changes to the discipline of ‘Special Envoy for Climate Change.

Pnrr, the government swerves. The Northern League Molinari: “Give up money in debt”. The wrath of Palazzo Chigi: “Wrong message”

Federico Capurso, Ilario Lombardo


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