Plot? No, self-plot. The season of alibis begins on justice

Plot?  No, self-plot.  The season of alibis begins on justice


Prosecutorial overflows are a serious matter. True. Summoning them when they don’t exist is a sign of weakness. Because the victimhood of the government, on justice, is a worrying political manifesto: the season of alibis begins

When in trouble, go conspiracy. Giorgia Meloni evoke the conspiracy. You don’t say it directly, of course, you have the sources of Palazzo Chigi say it, you have the parliamentarians closest to you say it, you have the government officials more in tune with your political agenda than you. But the data is this and it is evident. There Prime Ministeras you have seen, believes that an important piece of the judiciary of our country is campaigning against the government, to weaken it in view of European. And in confirmation of this thesis he points to some smoking guns. A: the investigation against Daniela Santanche, of whose formal existence the press organs became aware before the direct interested party was duly informed through a notice of guarantee. B: the investigation into the undersecretary Andrea Delmastro, against which there would be a fury by the judiciary due to a request for filing of the prosecutor’s office not confirmed by the investigating judge. C: the investigation against one of the sons of Ignazio La Russainvestigated for sexual assault.

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