Piombino, the first gas arrives: the regasifier is ready to operate

Piombino, the first gas arrives: the regasifier is ready to operate


The Golar Tundra regasifier ship, moored for over a month in the port of Piombino, is ready to start the test phase, in view of the expected entry into operation in a few weeks.

The stages

The calendar is ready. The first LNG tanker will arrive from Egypt on Thursday 4 May, carrying a cargo of 170,000 cubic meters of liquid gas owned by ENI. During the night between 4 and 5 May – in the hours in which the traffic of the ferries to the Island of Elba stops, which pass a few tens of meters from the regasification plant – the LNG tanker will unload the gas into the tanks of the Golar Tundra, purchased by Snam on the recommendation of the Draghi government to deal with Italy’s energy emergency after Russia’s cut in supplies.


At first, 70,000 cubic meters will be unloaded, then the LNG tanker will leave and, if all goes according to plan, it will return to the port of Piombino after about ten days to unload the residual fuel.

«We are ready to receive the gas and to start the commissioning phase which will be used to set up the plant and verify its correct functioning – explains Elio Ruggeri, managing director of Snam Fsru Italia (the division that deals with floating units of storage and regasification) -. The works on the quay necessary in this phase have been completed and the pipeline (8.8 kilometers long, ed) which will transport the gas to the national network is ready. During the test phase we will introduce the gas into the network».

The second gas discharge, scheduled for mid-May, will serve to conclude the tests. These operations will involve a hundred workers, including the 40 crew members who brought the Golar Tundra from Singapore to Piombino. When fully operational, the regasification plant will employ about sixty people.


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