Pichettinelli. Portrait of the tender bungler Gilberto Pichetto, Cingolani’s heir minister

Pichettinelli.  Portrait of the tender bungler Gilberto Pichetto, Cingolani's heir minister


He exchanged “compromise” for a compliment just as Giorgia Meloni had exchanged his ministry. For twenty minutes (“sorry, there was an error in the list”) Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, Forza Italia deputy, was the heir of Renato Brunetta, minister of the Public Administration. Twenty minutes later it was Roberto Cingolani, one of who they say is half a genius, Minister of Energy Security. Thus he went from slackers to decoupling, to the price cap, to the TTF, “ and “What does ENI say?”… Who wouldn’t be dizzy? He is humble to the point that, in Brussels, when he got confused, “do you find compromise ?, he replied:“ Bah, congratulations, in short ”. Journalists and his colleagues want to give him donkey ears. They call him “Pichettinelli”, like Danilo Toninelli, the former citrullo minister of the 5s, but Pichetto is actually the Butts by Luigi Malerba (Quodlibet) the little solitary tramp who had chosen a dog as a friend because only he “listened to him and didn’t laugh”. Even Minister Pichetto, when he returns home, to Gifflenga, in the province of Biella, with a population of 104, thinks with his dog Ginger and strokes his fur, like the clumsy Mozziconi, “and then tells him the things he has read in the newspapers or on a history book that he has memorized.” In fact, he too has gone back to studying in the evening, by heart, like the shy do, those who don’t want to say it because they’re afraid they won’t make it.

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