Piazza Fontana, Mattarella: “Terrible test but stronger country”

Piazza Fontana, Mattarella: "Terrible test but stronger country"


The President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, on the occasion of the anniversary of the massacre in Piazza Fontana, recalls, with his declaration, that “53 years have passed since the ferocious attack which caused death and suffering in the heart of Milan, upsetting the conscience of the Italian people, with the intention of threatening the institutions of the Republic”. “We feel the duty to remember, with the same intensity as always, the commitment of which Milan was the first to interpret and which allowed the whole country to defeat the neo-fascist subversive strategies and the terrorist gangs of every sign that bloodied the not short season that followed the massacre. It was one of the terrible trials from which the Republic was able to emerge strengthened in its constitutional values ​​and in the unity of its people”, he observes. (AGI)Mao (Continued)

Piazza Fontana: Mattarella, terrible test but stronger country (2)=

(AGI) – Rome, Dec. 12 – “The massacre in the headquarters of the Banca Nazionale dell’Agricoltura in Piazza Fontana, preceded by a series of bomb attacks in the previous months, marked, with its inhuman budget, the start of a troubled time, in which the institutions of the freedoms were placed under attack”, writes the Head of State again. “The matrix of that massacre was slow to emerge due to complicity and culpable inadequacies but, despite attempts at deviations, the context of aggression against the people and democracy was clarified thanks to the sense of duty of women and men, servants of the institutions and the civil passion of the Italians. Democracy has been able to defend itself with its own values ​​and instruments. The subversives have been defeated without succeeding in their intention of dividing society. It was also a duty towards the younger generations. The common good, built on values, on difficulties, on pain, on sacrifices, is the heritage that derives from them. A lesson for every adversity. On this day, I renew my deepest solidarity with the families of victims,” ​​he concludes.


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